
'Rustoord te koop' | 'robert koop'. MM KOOP COLLECTIONS-About the Artist

PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Jewelry including beads, gold and silver and original settings 363 Peggy Koop &Cheri Sueker. Koop-Sueker Collections. 350 Kit Lauen. Knits by Kit

PDF/Adobe Acrobat - MN Jewelry ebudesign.com. Charles. Adams. Osseo. MN Metal www.francismetalworks. com. Bob & Peggy. Aebi. Lathrop. MO abstract painting

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Peggy Koop, Excelsior, MN - beads, findings, misc supplies. Rona Horn/Imagine Together, Eau Claire, WI - Beads, Jewelry Sharon Kirkland, Maple Grove,

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Peggy Koop attended 12 schools before she graduated from high school. As one of six children in a military family, she was a world traveler by the time she

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WAX is a jewelry design studio located in Shadyside of Pittsburgh. Paper and Mixed Media Jewelry; Marti Johnson, MLJ Designs Jewelry; Peggy Koop,

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PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 7 Oct 2005 home décor, clothing, jewelry, accessories, and holiday items Peggy Koop, Excelsior. Kristi Kuder, Golden Valley

PDF/Adobe Acrobat - MN Jewelry ebudesign.com. Charles. Adams. Osseo. MN Metal www.francismetalworks. com. Bob & Peggy. Aebi. Lathrop. MO abstract painting

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PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Jewelry including beads, gold and silver and original settings 363 Peggy Koop &Cheri Sueker. Koop-Sueker Collections. 350 Kit Lauen. Knits by Kit

Peggy Koop. Linda Nelson Bryan. Lori Monson. Jeanne Rostad Jewelry. Johanna Berge. Robbie Brokken. Darla Ellickson. Brittany Foster. Susan Jones

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